Born A Crime is a humorous memoir highlighting the (early) life of Trevor...
TheBagusNGReviews | Wife Of The Gods by Kwei Quartey | Oreoluwa Eunice
Wife of The Gods is a classic case of whodunnit—a tale of finding the murderer...
#TheBagusNGReviews | Chasing Butterflies by Yejide Kilanko | Oreoluwa Eunice
Chasing Butterflies is a short and quick story about domestic violence and its e...
#TheBagusNGReviews | Nairobi Heat by Mukoma Wa Ngugi | Oreoluwa Eunice
Nairobi Heat is a crime thriller that begins with the revelation of the death of...
#TheBagusNGReviews | Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi | Oreoluwa Eunice
Homegoing is a stunning novel on Black History spanning generations and centurie...
#TheBagusNGReviews | Behind Every Successful Man by Zukiswa Wanner | Oreoluwa Eunice
Behind Every Successful Man by Zukiswa Wanner tells the story of Nobantu,...
#TheBagusNGReviews I How Beautiful We Were by Imbolo Mbue I Oreoluwa Eunice
How Beautiful We Were weaves a captivating story of a fictional African village ...
#TheBagusNGReviews I Little Family by Ishmael Beah I Oreoluwa Eunice
Little Family by Ishmael Beah; a succinct tale of survival, utmost privilege and...
Lost in Greener Pastures: A Review of J.J Bola’s No Place To Call Home I Ohioleh
Maybe there are no borders. No novelists who cross over into poetry, no poets wh...
The Bagus NG’s #MyBlogStory I In Conversation with Uganda Bloggers Community
We have followed the Uganda Bloggers Community which is a shared initiative of ...