Behind Every Successful Man by Zukiswa Wanner tells the story of Nobantu, a successful woman by society’s standards married to one of the richest men in Johannesburg. She drives the best cars, lives in a mansion full of servants at her beck and call – what more could she ask? Except Nobantu was becoming tired of being just a housewife and wanted the kind of passion at the beginning of her life.

This book is a straightforward and short read that portrays the misogynistic standards women have in South Africa, thus mirroring how women are held to these same standards worldwide.

“Nobantu had always bowed down to her mother’s strong opinions. Now, for once in her life, she felt she was doing something she really wanted to do. For the first time she felt she was living Nobantu’s life the way Nobantu had always wanted to live it. She knew there would be a showdown.”

While being a predictable read, Zukiswa Wanner showcases that a woman can be more than a mother and a housewife with Behind Every Successful Man.

This book also showcases how bothersome it can be when parents don’t allow their children to follow their dreams and aspirations. This book also shows that many parents see their children as an extension of them; as a result of this try to live the lives they didn’t get to live through them.

Should You Read?

If you are seeking something short, easy and light-hearted, you should pick this up. I enjoyed it as it was the kind of book I wanted to read at the time.