Amara’s Thoughts on #WHM

“The stories of yesterday are being told today. Writers, artists, filmmakers, entertainers, advocates…there is no better way we have told our stories but in various forms. And as the stories of today will be told tomorrow, may more women get into the fold. May our voices never fade. May our strength never fail.”

Amara Okolo is the author of Black Sparkle Romance, Son of Man and Daughters of Salt. She is an Honorary Fellow of the International Writing Programme (IWP 2018) from the University of Iowa, and City of Asylum Residency, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Her writing has appeared on CatapultPanorama Journal of Intelligent TravelCommonwealth Writers, Hunger Mountain Magazine, and WeTransfer. Reference to her work have been made on The Guardian, Aljazeera, Radio France International. She is the 2019 Emerging Writer Scholar at the MFA programme in Writing and Publishing at the Vermont College of Fine Arts.

She currently lives in Vermont, where she is working on her first and second novels.