Rosanna’s Thoughts on #WHM

“The recent pandemic has magnified and sometimes worsened many of the issues women face daily, worldwide. But with challenges come the opportunity for change, and many African women writers, whether they be in Africa or the wider diaspora, have been at the forefront of this work. They have had something of value to say and share, reaching across boundaries and continents to show the commonality of some women’s experiences and to give voices to the voiceless. I look forward to a future where a wider variety of our voices are heard and published, in particular women of colour. Also, a future where we hold key managerial and decision-making positions within the publishing industry. Therefore, helping to elevate and empower women across the board, and creating a better world for all women.”

Rosanna Amaka grew up in South London and is of African and Caribbean heritage. As a child she loved writing short stories later progressing to novels, which she has spent many years crafting.

THE BOOK OF ECHOES is her debut novel. She began writing it over twenty years ago, to give voice to the Brixton community in which she grew up in, and reflects some of the changes that have happened in the community over time. The book is about life, pain and hope and was inspired by a wish to understand the impact of history on present-day lives and the journey of her ancestors.

She is currently hard at work on other writings. Click here to get Rosanna Amaka news, updates and more.