Today marked the sixth session in the #BookstagramSeries with our sixth guest author – Bisi Adjapon (@bisiadjapon) and our Chimdinma Onwukwe (@theafroreader). She authored the book, Of Women and Frogs which was released to critical acclaim. The conversation centred around the author’s writing a second book which was aptly titled Women in Exile (likely to change), her 15 poems which may make it into a collection with illustrations, her environmental stance and what plastics are doing to the environment, her journalism career, living abroad and how it changed her world view, her paintings et al. In all, it was an enjoyable session.

The next and possibly the last session is billed to hold on June 11, 2020 with our curator, Ijeoma Ucheibe and Ghanaian academic and author, Peace Adzo Medie.

If you missed the session, click here to watch it. Do check out our Instagram TV channel and our Youtube channel here.