The March 2017 featured poet, has been the face of Kwani? Open Mic for the last 8 years. This month, a special tribute is paid to her awesomeness through the years. Get to know more about Cindy Ogana.

In 2005 Cynthia “Cindy” Ogana walked into Café Creme at Yaya Center to witness what was Nairobi’s first book reading session. She remembers seeing Mumbi Kaigwa among the five attendees reading out of Kwani Trust’s first book on the Kwani? Series, “Kwani? 01”. She was fascinated by the idea of a cultural scene where artistes could express themselves in their own language. Fast-forward to 2007 when the then Kengeles Yaya was jam packed with poets and literary-lovers. The atmosphere was thrilling, reminiscent of her campus days where she studied Theatre and Creative Arts at Moi University. The Late Bantu Mwaura welcomed her, he was her lecturer back at the university. She performed a piece in honour of Binyavanga’s Caine Prize winner “Coming Home”. The thunderous applause assured her of one thing “One day she would write about this place”.

Cindy Ogana has been the Kwani? Open Mic emcee for the last eight years, taking over from the phenomenal June Wainaina when the poetry event moved to Club Sound, along Wabera Street. This is where she honed her skills as a poet, emcee and lover of arts. She is passionate about civil rights, the boy child, and her own boy child. Armed with wit and charm, she loves to harness positivity and good vibes from the crowd as a conduit for her creativity

She is the seventh child born in a family of eight children.

She is the loving mother to one boy.

She is a fearless influencer and lover of good laugh and good wine.

Twitter: @cindyogana