“Jalada Africa began as informal gatherings to refine and enjoy each other’s artistic productions, and grew into a pan-African interactive space where writers share their work, edit and critique each other, and provide guidance on ways of developing craft. We extend this gift of giving through our Creative Writing and Translations Master Classes.

It is a unique opportunity to learn from the world’s best voices in an up close and personal setting. The Master Classes will consist of 20 participants and will run in Nairobi, as two, three-hour sessions, for two days. All the Master Classes will be facilitated by highly proficient and renowned writers.

Participation in the Master Class is open to promising writers and translators between 18-30 years old. Applicants are asked to submit a 500-word sample of their work, fiction or non-fiction, published or non-published, and/or a letter explaining why they think they are deserving of the opportunity.”

For details:
NAIROBI – http://www.jalada.org/festival/schedule/event-details/
KAMPALA – http://www.jalada.org/festival/kampala/
KIGALI – http://www.jalada.org/festival/kigali/
DAR ES SALAAM – http://www.jalada.org/festival/dar-es-salaam/
Source: Jalada Facebook page.