Huza Press, a Rwanda based publishing house committed to developing quality creative writing and publishing literary works from the continent is excited to announce the longlist for the Huza Press Prize for Fiction.

1. Araje – Landry Ndoli Subira
2. October – Alfonsina Kayitesi
3. Alone in the Dark – Rutwaza Ganza Leon Leandre
4. Nsekanabo’s Chase – Joseph Njata
5. Beyond Repair – Lucky Grace Isingizwe
6. Safe- Dominique Uwase Alonga
7. Le Mariage de L’année- Kalume Féfé
8. Spilled Beans – Mutsinzi Eric
9. Three-Ringed Silver Ring – Rwabahizi Arnaud
10. Inoni – Denyse Umuhuza
11. L – Jessy Mugisha
12. Tempted- Ganza Moise
13. Another Boring Story – Victor Kagimba
14. My Brother’s Keeper – Shakila Kamatali Umutoni
15. Save the Children- Lucky Grace Isingizwe
16. Sum of all Good Things – Isaac Barclay
17. Confession – Emmanuel Byishimo
18. Echoes of love – Raissa Kamaliza
19. Les Histoires Inédites de Ruganzu II Ndoli- Jules Cesar Niyonkuru
20. Duexime Session- Kalume Féfé

Congratulations to the longlisted authors.

The shortlist will be announced on February 28, 2017.

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