I was nominated for this award by Nancy Ogom yesterday and I just got the memo so here goes. Its a big deal for me becasue this is the first time a fellow blogger and African sister from is nominating me for well anything and yes im pretty excited as …..okay, okay…get to work, already…. Thank you Nancy for nominating me for this award and don’t for get to check out her blog.

So the rules for the awards are;

Write a post to show the award.

* Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.

* Give a brief story about how you started blogging.

* Give 2 pieces of advice for new bloggers.

* Nominate 15 deserving bloggers.

The first two rules are checked.I guess I have already completed the first two rules.

A brief story of how I started blogging.

I unofficially started my blog in June 2015 not because I loved writing or reading but I noticed that there was a dearth of information on happenings on literary stuff especially festivals and places where talented African writers could submit their works and that’s how The Bagus NG was born. I got serious with the blog in March 2016 only because before now I was giving myself excuses that I was already busy as an academic and lawyer. Working serious on the website and should up and running soon. So like my tagline says, its a blog on Anything.And.Everything.Literary.ThoughtProvoking.

Advice for the new bloggers:

1. Never give up. As much as possible, get up every morning and charge yourself to write. There will be days you feel no one is seeing what you are doing but keep on, keeping on. Eventually you will see the rewards roll in.

2. Be you. Do you. Express you. When I started out, a writer friend of mine almost discouraged me with his words, ”What are you trying to do? You are just wasting your time. Brittle Paper is like the Linda Ikeji of the literary world bla bla.. I could get angry there and then and quit but I calmly told him I was not trying to imitate anyone (and by the way Brittle Paper has my respect for life). I just go with the flow while beaming the searchlight on African literature especially in far-flung parts of Africa like Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia and the like. Like Nancy Ogom said “Good blog posts are a reflection of you and your thoughts… Your readers will appreciate exactly that”.

Nominating 15 deserving bloggers:

Hmmm…that will be a tough one but i’ll try.
1. thatgirldorian
2. homeofhumor
3. Josephyna’s World
4. Amoafowaa
5. iamwashyy
6. versesbybeordoon
7. Crass Humor
8. HaroldWrites
9. Chapter One
10: Struggling Bookworm

11.Sinawo Bukani

12:Subtle Royalty

13: Musee D’ivan

14. Mwana Wevhu: The Stories of Young Zimbabwe

15. Amaalsaid

Thank you Nancy for nominating me.

Happy weekend guys.