
Mr. Prince Kwasi Mensah is a Ghanaian-U.S.A. based editor and publisher.

Facebook/ Abubakar Mohammed Marzuq Azindoo

Abubakar Mohammed Marzuq Azindoo is the Coordinator of Studies & University Relations, University of Applied Management, Ghana.


Jibril Musa, a Nigerian journalist and editor has an BSc. in Mass Communication from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. He was an Assistant Editor and, later, Acting Editor of Weekend Sun (Ghana). Has worked in various print media outfits in Nigeria including Castles Magazine, Scroll Nigeria, The Weekly Spectator, The Sun and Entertainment Express. He also lectures Mass Communication and is currently, the department head at ESEP-Le Berger Universitie, Port-Novo, Republic of Benin. Currently, he is a researcher and writer for Lagos-based MCDEE Books, a subdivision of the organization, Corporate Biographers Limited, the No. 1 biography publishers in Nigeria. Jibril Musa has edited a number of published works of fiction. He is a travel writer and a short story enthusiast. His favourite authors are John Updike, Stephen King and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Find out more here.

Culled from @ghwritersawards