Azeeza’s Thoughts on #WHM

“In recent years, we have seen the growth of women in various sectors —from tech to music to politics and literature.

In the book world, it has been the same struggle, the struggle to be seen, heard and appreciated. I can’t deny the hardwork of women over the years. It’s so powerful and it makes me happy. I always find myself smiling every time I remember 2 women took home the Booker award in 2019!

Looking ahead, I hope women of this generation get more opportunities to amplify their works and pave an even bigger path for those that will come after us and the ones after them. I believe we are on the right path and with the collective efforts of every woman in the literary sector, our voices will be heard at the loudest.”

Azeeza Adeowu is a writer, blogger and book reviewer based in Nigeria. Her fictions often explore underrepresented people and events in the literature world. Her non-fictions are often rants about what’s wrong in the society. You can find her on her blog and instagram where she reviews books, rants and writes her opinions on Ig: @the.zyzah