Female Monarchs and Merchant Queens in Africa was published in July by Ohio University Press through its Ohio Short Histories of Africa series designed to provide engaging and informative introductions to important topics in African history.⁣

Female Monarchs and Merchant Queens in Africa tells the story of female leadership in its many forms throughout African history. Achebe’s exploration of African history through a feminist perspective gives readers a deeper understanding of gender and power on the continent.⁣

Prof. Nwando Achebe is the multi-award-winning author of Farmers, Traders, Warriors, and Kings: Female Power and Authority in Northern Igboland, 1900–1960 (2005) and The Female King of Colonial Nigeria: Ahebi Ugbabe (2011).⁣

You can buy Female Monarchs and Merchant Queens in Africa from; Ohio University Press IndieBound Amazon.⁣

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