First off, her favourite colours are blue and black, always has a novel on her, is totally obsessed with colourful hair, enjoys time alone even though she’s hardly ever alone (sort of a misplaced loner), has two left legs (girl can dance!!!!), had over 20 piercings at a time, she is VERY straight but appreciates the female species more, love eating but will pass on the cooking, and finally hopes to be a fitness freak someday.

She has read Juliane Okot B’itek recent poem collection, 100 Days and when I asked her if the poems reflect the true picture of the Rwandan genocide considering the former’s roots as a Ugandan poet and she gaily answered;

“I am on poem 33, so far i love the work, can i answer this question when i finish reading the 100 poems?” (But, of course – I will stalk you for the answer though)

In the course of her work, she has consistently gone back to Raya Wambui after bumping into her blog and also seeing her perform did the trick and our girl fell in love with her work. She also loves reading Christina Rosseti and Becca Lee‘s pieces more often than not. Other “local” (not local though considering we at BM have been trying to gain Mufasa’s attention for weeks) poets she has interacted with are Mufasa, Dorphanage, Teardrops, Gufy  just to name but a few. Their really good works and the individuality in their works is just amazing.(We concur)

When I asked her if her idea of poetry had changed since she started writing poems and yes it has because, according to her,

…..once upon a time poetry was all about rhymes and all.. now it is about expression of this that are happening, the rhyme necessarily doesn’t have to be there, but look for a way that the words will pass the message.

 She tries to focus on issues of lust, love and self improvement and seeks to communicate the day to day events in a mortal’s life.

 She hopes to paint better than Leonardo da Vinci sooner than later. Apart from being a performance poet for less than a year and hoping to hone her craft better (she’s gonna be on the mics of steel for the September edition of Kwani Open Mic for sure), she’s a blogger whose blog just turned 2 years a couple of days ago (Congrats from all of us at BM). She will be competing at the 62nd Slam Africa Competition on 11th September (That’s 10 days from now…Go break a leg). She’s still working on self discovery – page or performance poet (lemme know how that pans out)

Yes, the floetry block can be a killjoy but she writes as often as she can and has written up to 5 pieces a day…

When asked if she thinks she’s evolved creatively, her apt reply was;

“My mode of writing has greatly improved… It is evident from my first post that i published on my blog… am growing every day, evolving every moment.” (Amen to that sis.)

She is of the view that social media is the best marketing tool as it is very convenient and not pricey. She doesn’t want to be the original author of any book because the books that she has read are beautifully written and doesn’t want to CHANGE anything.

You can engage with her on: Instagram: _junglegarl & Facebook/Ngaruiya Agy Wyna