It is always fulfilling to celebrate far-flung places like Somalia who in spite of the war and conflict still came together to celebrate literature in its different forms as seen in these pictures taken at the Mogadishu Book Fair 2016 which held Somalia spellbound for 3 days (August 17 – 19 ). At least, it proved that books could replace blasts for some days…

Photo Credit: @MogBF @MM_rageh @ongangajohn @hmacademi @cctvnewsafrica @UKinSomalia @sahro @NHNewHorizonNH @MSudaani @chillinginxamar @Zahraqoranne @MKahiye @spfSomalia @MinisterMOFA @VOA_Somali @US2SOMALIA @TISPlus_Somalia @stability_fund @USAIDSomalia @ZaylaBookshop