Nobel Laureate, Prof Wole Soyinka has joined the University of Johannesburg in South Africa as a distinguished visiting professor in the Faculty of Humanities. Prof Soyinka’s extensive experience and knowledge will be of great benefit to the institution and he brings a new dimension to the discourse on decolonisation and the Africanisation of knowledge.
Nigerian Professor and Africa’s first Nobel Laureate in Literature, Wole Soyinka has joined the University of Johannesburg as a distinguished visiting professor in the Faculty of Humanities.

According to the University of Johannesburg news, Professor Alex Broadbent, Executive Dean of the faculty of Humanities said Soyinka’s involvement will serve as an opportunity for the unique inspiration of their students, while attracting other renowned scholars.

According to the news release, Prof Soyinka was educated in Ibadan, Nigeria, and Leeds, England, where he obtained an Honours degree in English, Prof Soyinka has held Fellowship and Professorial positions in the Dramatic Arts and Comparative Literature at the Universities of Ibadan, Lagos and Ife (Nigeria), Legon (Ghana), Sheffield and Cambridge (England), Yale, Cornell, Harvard, Emory, Nevada, Loyola Marymount (USA).

He continues lecturing as visiting Professor, and distinguished scholar in various American, European, African and Chinese universities.


Image – Rex Features/AP