Isabella’s thoughts on #AccelerateAction

For the longest time, we as girls and women have been told that we are meant to be seen and not heard. This has led us to put more efforts into our appearance as we chase society’s ever changing ideals of beauty. But denying a woman her voice and by extension, her agency has caused a lot of harm and damage. Society has become too comfortable with the gender norms that have kept women silent and subjugated. But not anymore…
Today’s girls and women have found their voice and are speaking up because they have something to say and deserve to be heard just like their male counterparts. They are owning their stories and changing the narratives. So, as we celebrate International Women’s Month, let’s #AccelerateAction in removing the barriers that stop women from speaking, living, working and thriving. The journey to true gender equity begins when every voice is heard.
Isabella Adediji is the founder and managing director of Yellow Tamarind Productions, a media, and PR company. She is a compere, TV/radio host, writer, editor, journalist, voiceover artiste, producer, alaga and educationist.