The short story “If It Ain’t Broke” by Rhodasi Mwale has won The 2020 Kalemba Short Story Prize!⁣

The 2020 Kalemba Short Story Prize is worth $1000 and is awarded to the best work of original and unpublished short fiction written in English by a Zambian. ⁣

Mwale, is a Biomedical Scientist and student of infectious diseases at the University of Zambia, and in her words; “just being shortlisted is everything because it means that I do belong on the African market. There is such a profundity to African literature that I’ve always felt that my voice is a tad too informal, my prose too simplistic for the market.”⁣

Rhodasi Mwale, who also writes under the name Dhasi Mwale, has a forthcoming debut novel Note Worthy (Belonging Books). Other scheduled publications include The Scarlet Leaf Review and Bewildering Stories.⁣

Congratulations to her!⁣