For all you flash fiction writers, SmokeLong Quarterly publishes flash fiction up to 1000 words. They do not consider poetry or non-fiction.
Please include a print-ready, third-person bio with your cover letter. Do not include identifying information on your story’s document.

Send ONE previously unpublished story at a time and wait until you hear their decision before sending another.

No monetary payment, but you have their undying devotion.

The SLQ aesthetic remains an ever-changing, ever-elusive set of principles, but it most likely has to do with these kinds of things:

1. language that surprises

2. narratives that strive toward something other than a final punch line or twist

3. pieces that add up to something, oftentimes (but not necessarily always) meaning or emotional resonance

4. honest work that feels as if it has far more purpose than a writer wanting to write a story

As much as they are not interested in works previously published in online magazines, pieces published only on a  personal web site or blog don’t fall under this category but be sure to inform them of this in your cover letter. You may be asked to temporarily take the story down if accepted. They are also interested in pieces that have only previously appeared in print, but only by solicitation.

For more information on how to submit, click here.