Storried Monthly Competition for Short Stories new theme for March 2017 – Huanted By My Past has been announced and closing date for submissions is Midnight, Friday, March 31, 2017.

How to submit:

1. Register once online at

2. Post your #SMC entry after completing your online registration with Storried using the SUBMIT A STORY button on the topmost left corner of the Storried website.


1.) N20,000.00

2.) Two honourable mentions in any particular month wins N10,000.00

3.) Every entry now receives a personalized analysis from our amiable judges about what can be improved about the story submitted.

4.) Continued mentorship by way of introduction of Storried fans to other online training programs and invitations to creative writing seminars and workshops in Nigeria through the Storried Online School for Storytelling.

Visit the website for more details and like their Facebook page here.