Submissions received between January 8 – March 12, 2017will be considered for publication in issue 19. The 19th issue will go live on Sunday, March 26.
They are only accepting unsolicited submissions and also do not publish previously published work at this time.

Short Fiction (The Lagerlöf Section)

Please make one submission at a time, please. No more than 8,000 words. Please don’t send crime related stories.

Poetry (The Södergran Section)

No more than 10. (But don’t submit 10 just because you’ve ever written 10 poems. Submit 10 if you’ve got 10 that need to be submitted together.) Honesty and clarity. Frank O’Hara and Leonard Cohen and 7th century Irish verse. Karin Boye. Dont submit self-conscious, meta-type poetry in which the author either refers to him/herself and the craft of poetry and what it all means.

Essays (The Swedenborg Section)

Please submit essays on things like feminism, topical pop, referential trash, psychoanalysis, religion, radical and very upsetting leftist or neo-conservative political pieces. Book reviews. No more than 2,000 words.

If and when you submit your work:

1) State in the subject line whether you are submitting poetry/fiction/essay

2) Write something in the body of the e-mail, even if it’s just “Hello” or “Please read this”. In other words: don’t just attach your poem/short story/essay, and hit ‘send’. If you can’t be bothered to address us (i.e. the people you’re submitting to), then we can’t be bothered to read whatever it is you’ve sent us.

3) Submit your work as .doc .docx .rtf or .odt. Do not submit work in .pdf.

4) Please use a standard font and double space (unless, for whatever reason, double spacing isn’t an option, e.g. it’s a poem and it’s not meant to be.

Click here for more information before submission.