10 little quirks about Nduati

  • Has a wonderful voice (that’s me being ironical)
  • Is a profound chaivinist (Not telling you. Go find out!!)
  • Prefers home-made meals (Eating healthy, huh?)
  • Is obsessed with his hair (Hasn’t shaved it for five years!!)
  • Has bathed a cat in the recent past
  • Secretly wishes he had sideburns
  • Doesn’t fancy football, cars or politics as most men do.
  • Was born with a sixth finger. (The extra one was cut off though)
  • Would love to drive a train some day
  • Finds Kiswahili a sweeter and more profound language than English

He would absolutely love for Shikkiey and Shira Sozo to read his vows at his wedding (I should feature them, what do you think?) His idea of poetry was initially a fun thing but over time realised that it’s a great platform for influence in people’s lives. He would love to be a drummer someday (How on earth is drumming cool? Lol)
He’s written songs (of which many haven’t been recorded yet) and a very ‘active’ blog as well. Also, there is a book in the offing if he can find the manuscript. Apart from writing part-time, he’s working on becoming a pastor. He has seen his brand of poetry grow in terms of stylistic devices preferred as well as audience reached. For him, social media is a sure way of capturing a great population in an instance but  advises that one must be shrewd about it.

I asked him if he could be the original author of any book, what would it be and why?

“Psalms – This book is rich with emotion and truth. Considering it is the largest book of the Bible and a book that everyone can relate to, I think it is quite a prolific book. Oh, and the poetry!”

You can connect with Nduati on his blog – nduatimurigi.wordpress.com

Facebook and all Google accounts (Gmail, Youtube etc): Nduati Murigi

Twitter and Instagram: @nduatimurigi