10 things you have to love or hate about RookyKamiz

  • He’s a foodie
  • He’s an ‘Usain Bolt’ in training
  • Can play the guitar(Oh…my)
  • Annoyingly emotional
  • Huge music collector (he has a collection of over 25000+ Songs)
  • Can perform a poem live while thinking on his feet
  • 90% of the time lives in an imaginary world
  • Very nasty when pushed to the wall
  • Loves cake and chocolate to a fault
  • He’s Ajala the Traveler

Loves the poetry of  Edgar Allen Powell, Maya Angelou, William Wordsworth And Alice Walker. Feels poetry is an expression of perception of his feelings, thoughts, and views. Would love to be a musician someday. He’s constantly evolving creatively thanks to not experiencing any ‘block’ of sorts and he’s working on a new poem collection. His favourite books are the Harry Potter or Lord Of The Rings series because of the creativity at work.

According to him, social media for marketing is the future.

He has a poem collection out already titled “The Crying Poet Got No Tears”. Check it out on his official website rookykamiz.com  or okadabooks.com. You can alos interact with him:

Twitter and Instagram: @TheRookykamiz

Facebook: Rooky kamiz Jegede