10 things you ABSOLUTELY need to know about Rudolph Adidi. Go…

– He’s scared of the dark

– Loathes cockroaches (Really?)

– Still doesn’t understand the words ‘been’ and ‘being’

– Loves poetry forms with techniques. Actually sits to create his.

– Loves having simultaneous conversations with himself (Ermm…)

– LOVES rice

–  Special memo to spiders – Do not bother me and I won’t bother you

–  Cried when he watched ‘Animal Farm’

–   Always has a hot bath regardless of weather

According to him, p’Bitek 100 Days poetically depicts the trials, fear, pain and ordeals of the Rwandan genocide that happens to have made its scar on history. In a voice so powerful she embraces the reader in a profound sense of humanity, take the opening for instance “in his words”,

“ “I have nothing
I stand before you with nothing
I am nothing”

My revelation here comes from a Christian background where man was said to have been made from dust, from nothing and somewhere in the book of Ecclesiastes it says ‘vanity of vanity equals vanity’. She begins by reminding us where we all came from.

“It has been called a harvest of death
It was more like a net that was cast
A fisher net. . .”

The continuation here will prove that she was religious because of the amount of death that was recorded during this genocide…..

“If truth is to be known in order to be acknowledged, then this is the truth that we know:
we know the numbers
we know the number of days
we know the circumstances
where the machetes came from and who wielded them
where the dotted line was signed”

The poet describes the location now as Eden and is asking rhetorical questions which we do in time of pain, she begins to give account of all she remembers before the war, the happy and horror beginnings.

I’ve appreciated and been able to sum up  the passage in days as to indicate that time in itself has passed. The imagery Wangechi Mutu’s morphed could be seen as a personal incarnation of pain that radiates a sort of loss and isolation in time. Looking at the poems rendered, one would begin to think about what I can see – and what remains inaccessible to me. And she was able to stretch out her hands to reach the readers heart which doesn’t have anything to do with her Ugandan roots.” (Nicely put)

He respects the poetry of Kendrick Lamar(well….), Propaganda, Ezekiel Anzowu, Dike Chukwumerije, Leonell Echa. He reads a lot of African literature and has noticed that everything around is poetry, from the crawling ant to the moving cloud.

He would love to pursue music (guitar) and maybe some drawing skills too (pencil and painting). He hasn’t published anything yet, still in progress but he has a couple of awards under his belt namely the ALS (Abuja Literary Society) Slam Competition early 2016, the ANA (Association of Nigerian Author) poetry competition award too. He writes fulltime everyday and is currently working on a poetry collection titled ‘Episodes’, an EP and another called ‘Prequel and first seeds’. He is lucky to not have the ‘block’ and can authoritatively say he has evolved creatively. He wears a signature red cap when on stage.

He thinks social media marketing helps create awareness and testifies that it has helped him meet people and perform on higher levels. His favourite novel of all time is ‘Waiting for an angel’ by Helon Habila. The poetry in that book just speaks to and of him – like writing love poems over and over again.

Check out his stories and poems on his two blogs:


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