Maybe when i go on my next trip to Germany or South Africa the narrative may change but in all of my tripping this takes the cake for me. It was an enriching and educative experience and yes a lot of my stereotypes about East Africa were shattered for sure…

I had the rare honour to visit Kigali, Rwanda in November 2014 on a research trip for my LLM research project  which was on emerging trends in insolvency legislations in Africa and one of the select jurisdictions I used in my study was Rwanda to cover for East Africa (okay, enough of the academic lingo….). From the food, to the people, perfect hosts. The trip was so good (for a split second I was seriously considering relocation). To my spunky neighbours in Lifeline Pharmacy, Remera, I’m making steady progress on my Kinyarwanda. Lol

The picture taken inside the Memorial will birth another post soon…