It’s happening now live and direct in Hargeysa International Book Fair. It’s their 9th Book Fair and over five years has doubled in size. The blend of Somali literature, growing libraries and spoken word from the women poets is a gift for writers world-wide. Guests from all over Africa especially the special ones from Ghana are so evocative with words, spirited and wonderful company

@BevNambozo from Femrite, Uganda is a poet of note and demonstrated three poems from her upcoming collection, Dress Me In Disobedience, thanks to @chumanwokolo moderator of the session.

And yes, Jama Musse, the festival director, will be visiting Kampala for the ‪#‎Babishai2016‬ Poetry Festival where a poetry caravan across Africa will be discussed and how Ugandans can visit Hargeysa next year for the 10th anniversary. 

Follow @hibf @JamaMusse @chumanwokolo @BevNambozo who are tweeting live from the festival.

Photo credit: Joel Lukhovi & Beverly Nambozo Nsengiyunva