Do you have a blog? Read African books voraciously? Share reviews of these books on your blog? If you checked yes to all this then @Writivism wants to have a relationship with you.

If you haven’t heard about the forthcoming Writivism Festival, where are you hiding? So its the fourth in the series but is also the ‘creme de la creme’ of its literary calendar held annually and will hold in Kampala, Uganda from August 22 to 28, 2016.

save the date- August 22 - 28, 2016

The focus will be on AFRICAN BOOKS ONLY! Over 10 new titles will be launched, and over 25 of alreadly launched titles will be in focus, with their authors featuring as festival speakers. There will be readings, organised in collaboration with publishers such as @TheMantle, @Cassava Republic, @BahatiBooks,@nyanaKakoma, @BlackBirdBooks, @JacanaMedia and more…

Still a learner at writing on my blog not to talk of reviewing books…Ha!!! But at @DecolonisingLit, @thatgirldorian this is what greatness is made of…lol

Click here to find out how you can have that relationship I talked about above here