Mulama Andete has a deep passion for city nights especially that of Nairobi. He tried hawking clothes but not for long (story foe another day, perhaps), wanted to be the first Kenyan in space (lol), wants to live in Papua New Guinea in the future, is a product of drinking tea, has a fetish for old vintage things, is the last born (son) in a family of four (high fives), swims better than Michael Phelps (if I hear) and is a wonderful dancer (*coughs).

He loves Sally(Kenyan poet and a slam African Queen) and Jeannette ikz of P4CM poetry. His brand of poetry is an expression of his beliefs and an extension of you that you choose to let people into. Would love to try rapping in the future.

He has written a series of poems that seek to explain and summarise some of the lessons I have learnt as a Christian creative over the past year and will be unveiled soon. He has testified to having grown into a more mature poet over time through attending poetry events, listening to seasoned poets and constant writing. He believes in the power of social media being an added advantage to poets. Favourite book is Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama as it  resonates a lot with him growing up without a dad.

You can connect with Andete:

Instagram –  _andete_
Twitter – mulamaandete
Facebook – @ Andete Thepoet

Blogs – for most of his poetry and